Cellulite affects about 90% up to 95% of women. As you age, you are more vulnerable to cellulite development. What you should know is that cellulite is not a medical or a skin condition. It is not an infection and it is not contagious. However, it is the number one enemy of women as well as men, as they are unflattering and unpretty.
Most women want to get rid of their cellulite problems because of its negative impacts on their confidence. Some become desperate, which is why they choose to get rid of it the fast way. Some are successful in removing their cellulite; however, there are those who regret their decision due to some complications.
Eliminating Cellulite Fast
You can get rid of cellulite using many ways. The natural method takes time and patience. However, surgical methods such as mesotheraphy, liposuction, and laser treatment are faster alternatives.. These methods are effective when it comes to cellulite removal. They are the immediate solutions to your cellulite problems. However, they pose negative risks and effects to the person’s physical, emotional and psychological well being. It is neither guaranteed that the cellulite may never reappear as it does not gets the root problem fixed but is only a temporary fix. Read more down below to know more about cellulite laser treatment, it’s effects, and whether you should do it or not. Here on TopCelluliteTreatment.com we always suggest to get rid of cellulite using natural methods such as explained in The Cellulite Factor Solution.
Laser Treatment for Cellulite
Laser treatments for cellulite is becoming more and more common among women nowadays. This professional treatment is effective in battling those pesky skin bumps. It uses high technology methods that involve lasers as well as radio frequency or RF devices. They make use of suction as well as massages in order to stimulate the production of collagen as well as septae alteration in order to prevent the pulling of the skin. As a result, it eliminates the appearance of the dimples on the skin.
Some of the most common laser treatment for cellulite includes:
- 1440 Nanometer Laser. This treatment is a surgical procedure that inserts a tiny optic underneath the skin in order to break its various fiber bands that are responsible for the production of the body’s cellulite.
- Cryolipolysis. This FDA-approved procedure is non-invasive. It removes fat areas around the lower abdomen as well as the sides of your body. It freezes fat cell lipids that will eventually dissolve without damaging the tissues surrounding them.
- Ultrasound. Another non-invasive treatment, this procedure uses intensified ultrasound energy in order to melt as well as destroy the targeted fatty area without damaging the skin around it.
These laser cellulite treatment procedures are fast and quick. However, there are certain risks that you have to take in order to have cellulite-free skin.
How Does Laser Therapy for Cellulite Work?
Laser treatments for cellulite starts when the plastic surgeon marks the affected areas that need to be treated using a marker. Your plastic surgeon will then make small incisions on the cellulite-affected areas. The incisions are usually similar to the size of a pen tip. Numbing solutions or local anesthesia are then applied to the area. Keep in mind that you will be awake during the whole procedure.
A probe, emitting laser, is then placed through the incisions. The laser that the probe emits is responsible for melting the skin’s fat bulges. It also cuts through the different fibrous bands that are pulling on and are causing the dimples on the skin to appear. The laser treatment evens out the bumps, removes skin dimples and promotes the production of collagen. The increase of collagen production improves the skin’s elasticity and depth, which gives it a smoother look.
The liquefied and broken down fat are then pressed out. The whole procedures lasts about one to one and a half hours. Since this kind of treatment targets the causes of cellulite directly, it is effective and produces immediate results. It may cost a lot of money but you can achieve the results you expect in a matter of hours. However, you will only see your cellulite-free skin after you are done with your recovery period of up to fourteen days. For best results, those who underwent laser treatments for their orange peel syndrome are required to have a yearly touch up.
What to Do Before Your Cellulite Laser Procedure
Before you proceed with your cellulite laser treatment, you must first prepare yourself. It is important to do your research and read more about the procedure. You can use Internet resources to orient yourself with the steps of the laser treatment.
You can also ask people who underwent the procedure about how their procedures went. You can also ask about the how long they recovered from their treatment. Lastly, you must also ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I physically prepared? Cellulite treatment laser involves small incisions, which is why you should check if your body is well enough to handle it. If you are not physically well, it is best to postpone your treatment until you are ready.
- Am I emotionally prepared? You should also evaluate your emotional well being before you start with your procedure. Since there is a chance that you might feel pain after the procedure, you should also be emotionally stable in order to cope with your recovery period.
- Am I financially prepared? Finally, you must evaluate if you have the financial capability to sustain your cellulite laser treatment. This type of high technology procedure is expensive; therefore, you must be well aware of the expenses that you are about to incur.
If your answers to the following questions are yes, then you are fully prepared for your cellulite laser treatment.
What to Expect During the Procedure
During the procedure, you are only under local anesthesia. Therefore, you must expect that you are wide awake. You may feel a little discomfort when the plastic surgeon makes the small incisions. You may also feel uncomfortable because of the suction movement that the surgeon will make as he breaks down your skin’s fat tissues.
What to Expect After the Procedure
After your cellulite treatment laser, you may feel physically as well as emotionally drained. Staying on the same position for one to one and a half hour can be tiring. You may also experience bruising, pain, swelling and redness in the affected areas. There may be blisters, scarring, hyperpigmentation and burning on the parts of your skin where you received the treatment.
The recovery period may take two weeks or more, depending on your body’s ability to heal. A long period of pain and discomfort may leave you emotional. Cellulite laser treatment cost may also leave you financially drained. The high cost of beauty may eventually leave you feeling exhausted.
The Negative Effects of Laser Treatments for Cellulite
Laser treatment for cellulite may be very effective; however, it has several negative effects on the person’s physical, psychological and emotional state. Some of the negative effects of laser cellulite treatment include the following:
- Physical. Some treatments can be invasive. Therefore, it may require a certain period for recovery, as there may be bruising and swelling after the procedure. You may experience pain as well as discomfort during the time you are recuperating. The recuperation period may also take time, as some people may not heal as fast as others. Other treatments require you to come back for several sessions before you see the results. This may tire you out physically. No two bodies are alike. Therefore, if your body is weak, this kind of treatment can pose several threats to your health.
- Emotional. If you undergo cellulite laser treatments, you may experience emotional stress and trauma. This is due to the discomfort you may feel during and after the procedure. You may also feel stressed out because of everything you are going through. Undergoing this kind of cellulite treatment can take its toll on you psychologically. You may experience giving up because of the pain you are feeling.
- Financial. Not anyone can afford undergoing cellulite laser treatment, as they are very pricey. Because of the high technology used in this type of cellulite treatment, the cost of removing your cellulite using it is very expensive. Laser treatments for your cellulite problem requires you to undergo at least four up to eight sessions. The laser cellulite treatment cost for each 30-minute session is about $300 up to $500 each. This means that in order to complete the whole treatment, you should have at least $1,500 up to $4,000 in your pocket.
Given the negative effects of laser treatment cellulite, it is best to try natural methods when it comes to eliminating those unwanted cellulite. This is to avoid regretting your decision later on.
Change Your Life for the Better
Help yourself in seeking your better version. Eliminate those unattractive skin dimples and find the confidence that you lost. Use natural, yet effective methods in battling your cellulite problem in order to avoid the negative effects of cosmetic procedures and laser treatments. Stop hiding your skin and flaunt your cellulite-free body.
If you prefer laser treatments for cellulite, make sure to take the necessary precautions before you proceed with your treatment. Do not rush into getting surgical treatments for your cellulite without preparing your overall well being. if you feel like you are physically, financially and mentally prepared, you can finally defeat your orange peel syndrome.
Click here if you’re interested to know how to get rid of cellulite fast and naturally.